Sektionen för jämställdhet och Lika Villkor i fysik – Nätverk

Links to other Women in Physics Associations:

EPWS- European Platform of women in Science:
The European Platform of Women Scientists supports the work of a whole range of existing national, European and international networks of women scientists from all disciplines (natural, medical and social sciences, engineering and technology, the humanities and arts).
Furthermore, the Platform aims to make women scientists better understand the role they can play in the research policy debate and how to fully benefit from these opportunities by bundling their powers and forces.

IUPAP- International Union of Pure and Applied Physics:
At the 1999 IUPAP General Assembly, the concern was raised that women are greatly under-represented in the field of physics in most countries. Recognizing that all fields of science progress most rapidly when they draw from the complete available pool of talented people, the participants of the General Assembly passed a resolution to form a Working Group on Women in Physics.

1st IUPAP International conference on women in physics, Paris, France , April 2002
2nd IUPAP International conference on women in physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, May 2005
3rd IUPAP International conference on women in physics, Seoul, Korea, October 2008
4th IUPAP international Conference on women in Physics, South Africa, 5-8 April 2011

NORNDiP – Nordic network for divercity in physics
NORNDiP är ett nätverk för fysiker som stödjer arbete för lika villkor och jämlikhet i de nordiska länderna. NORNDiP är financierade av Nordforsk.

US– American Physical Society- Committee on women in Physics:

US – American Institute of Physics

US – Fermilab


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