Sektionen fysik och samhälle – Om oss

In the Section Physics and Society of the Swedish Physical Society we want to create a forum for meetings between physicists working in different sectors of society:

  • business, industrial parks, research facilities (such as Onsala, Max IV, ESS), research institutes, hospitals, forensic medicine, standards bodies, government agencies, ministries, municipalities, museums, science centres and media,
  • and physicists in universities and schools who want to work towards greater cooperation for mutual pleasure and benefit.

The Section can highlight many issues:

  • What role does physics play in today’s society?
  • Where are physicists in society – when their job description is often called something else?
  • What useful knowledge and skills do physicists have with them? – How important are physicists for Sweden?
  • How visible is society in physics teaching in schools and higher education?
  • What image of physics is reflected in the media?
  • What does physics bring of relevance for current and future technology and meeting the ‘big’ challenges (climate change, ageing population, resource and energy shortages …)?
  • How can we as physicists increase the visibility of physics and physicists meaning – substance applications – both for us as physicists and for our world?
  • What role can / should the physics play in the future of society?

The U.S. and European physical societies (APS and EPS) for instance have forums for Physics and Society. The next EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 from 2014 proposes to strengthen the EU’s position in science at the same time as industrial innovation and the major challenges are to be tackled. With this new section, the Swedish Physical Society now has a forum for these issues. Physics and Society will also be the focus for a couple of sessions at the joint Nordic physics days in Lund 12 to 14 June 2013, which will be a first meeting for the new section.

The first Board of Directors of the Section consists of Chairman Max Kesselberg (Svedish National Agency for Higher Education), Jonn Lantz (Volvo Car Corporation), Leslie Pendrill (SP Technical Research Institute) and
Nina Reistad (LTH) (one place is vacant).

You can become a member of this Section by sending an email to
medlemsregistret [at]


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