International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development: opening ceremony 8th July

Den som vill  kan följa öppningsceremonin av “International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development 2022”
8 July 8:00 GMT (9.00 svensk tid) genom att registrera sig via länken Där finns också mer information om 
the Year of Basic Science vars syfte är uppmärksamma vikten av vetenskap och forskning för att åstadkomma en hållbar utveckling  och förbättra livskvalitén för människor över hela världen. 

Noter att det är den 8/7 så om ingen kan lägga ut det nu strax så får det vara. Eller vi får i alla fall modifiera  texten för länken till “året” är ju fortfarande aktuell.

Eva Lindroth

Dear IUPAP colleagues and friends,

I am happy to share the link for remote participation to the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development opening ceremony 8th July. As you probably all know, the international year is strongly promoted by IUPAP and the President of the Steering Committee is Michel Spiro—also the President of IUPAP.
Best regards Jens Vigen, IUPAP Secretary-general

Dear All,

I am happy to inform you that you will be able to follow remotely the opening ceremony of IYBSSD2022 from the URL

It will begin at 8:00 GMT and end around 15:30 GMT

Thanks to UNESCO, the streaming will be done with interpretation in 3 languages : English, French and Spanish. You will just have to use the language selector on the website to reach the home page with your preferred language (please, Spanish speaking people, bear with us, the page in Spanish comes soon).

Alternatively, you will also be able to go to the UNESCO page: where you will be able to select the language.
You are of course invited to share widely this information.

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